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What students have to say about our school.
"I can make friends and get to know people. I can have teachers and learn You can show creativity and make stuff."
- Rowe Student
I like math. In all my other grades, math felt easy and it was boring. I like that it’s more challenging this year, and I like when I have to show my thinking.”
- Rowe Student
Rowe Elementary at a Glance
Facts About Our School
Students Enrolled
Our students come from a wide variety of culturally rich backgrounds. We believe that learning in diverse groups prepares students to thrive.
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Languages Spoken by Students
Top 10 most spoken languages in the district includes: English, Somali, Arabic, Lingala, Khmer, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Vietnamese and Kinyarwanda.
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Economically Disadvantaged
Students are identified as economically disadvantaged based on eligibility for free or reduced-price meal programs or other criteria reflecting economic nee