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Regular school attendance is essential to academic success. Because the process of education depends upon exposure to subject matter, continuity of instruction and class participation, absence from class is detrimental to student learning. The interaction of students with the tour staff and with other students contributes to mastery of content, critical thinking, and development of effective communication and social skills. Frequent absences and/or tardiness causes children to miss the full benefits of planned educational activities. Please make every attempt to have your child at school on time. Your child should be in their classroom by 8:55am for a 9:00 am start. 

Parents and legal guardians are responsible for school attendance of students who are under 17 years of age. You are expected to notify the school office if your child will be absent, tardy, or dismissed early from school.

An absence will be excused for the following reasons:

  • Personal illness
  • Appointment with a health professional that must be made during the school day
  • Observance of recognized religious holidays when required during the regular school day
  • A family emergency
  • A planned absence for a personal or educational purpose that has been approved