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Behavioral Expectations

We use a consistent behavioral framework at Rowe which adheres to the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports model (often called PBIS). Expectations for students are guided by the following common language, known as our School Wide Expectations:

  • We are safe
  • We are respectful
  • We are responsible

Rowe staff use this simple, common language consistently with students in order to teach and reinforce desired school behaviors. When students do not display desired behaviors, we use a restorative approach that includes logical consequences for students to learn from mistakes, repair damaged relationships, and get back on track for learning and developing social connections.

We teach students to conduct themselves in ways that allow for both safety and comfort within the school environment. If students use language or exhibit behaviors that cause harm and inhibit the physical or emotional safety of others, we implement restorative practices that involve teaching, learning, and restoring respect and positive relations with those impacted. Such actions may include, but are not limited to the following: swearing, sexually suggestive language, physical aggression, verbal aggression, threats, derogatory language, discriminatory language, discussion of weapons, discussion of violence, play that suggests violence, and possession of weapons or items suggestive of violence, including toys. If you have questions about this or other topics related to supporting the social emotional development of our students, please connect with Jeremy Lynch, Culture & Climate Coordinator,  or a member of the school PBIS team.