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We LOVE honoring students on their birthdays and for other special achievements, which we do consistently at Rowe.

We have decided not to have any food or gifts in our classrooms for celebrations during school hours.

This does not mean that our children will forgo class celebrations. Instead of food, students have made craft projects during celebrations, like birthday crowns. Some teachers wrap their desks like a present or assign special privileges, like being the line leader for the day. We have seen many creative ways to honor students on “their special day” without putting pressure on parents to send expensive cards, treats, or gifts.

We want our school to be a safe and comfortable environment for all students, and we have done this for several reasons, which reflect our value of respect for all:

  1. To make classroom celebrations more equitable and minimize disruption to the teaching day
  2. To minimize non-nutritious foods being brought into school and allow individual parents the opportunity to control how much and which foods their children eat during the school day
  3. To increase the sensitivity of our community to the needs of our students who have health issues that affect their food intake - this includes students who have diabetes, as well as those students who have severe food allergies or celiac disease