Maine law requires that children in grades Kindergarten through 5th, complete the following immunizations:
- Polio, 4 doses (3if the third is given after the 4th birthday),
- DTP or DtaP, 5 doses (4 if the fourth is given after the 4th birthday),
- MMR, 2 doses and
- Varicella (chicken pox), 1 dose before attending school.
Immunizations are required unless the student is exempted for medical reasons, (requires a note from a doctor), or religious or philosophical reasons (requires yearly written statement from parent/legal guardian). Non-immunized students may be excluded from school in case of an outbreak of a disease for which they are not immunized against. Questions concerning these requirements may be directed to the school nurse or Portland Public Schools Central Office.
If your child receives immunization updates during the school year, please bring a copy of the updates to the school nurse so that we may keep the school health records up to date.