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It is Portland Public Schools policy that only absolutely necessary medications be administered to students in school. A Portland Public Schools medication form must be completed and signed by the parent or legal guardian.  If the medication is a prescription medication, a physician signature or current pharmacy label must be provided.  The medications that must be administered during the school day must be sent in an original, unbreakable container that is properly labeled with the name of the medication, date, dosage, and the name of the student who is to receive it.

For allergies, parents or legal guardians will be responsible for providing specific instructions from their physician for action to be taken when a student contacts an allergen which may cause anaphylaxis (e.g., from bees, wasps, nuts, other foods, latex, etc.). Parent or legal guardians are also responsible for providing medications needed in case of allergic reaction.

Portland Public Schools reserves the right to refuse requests for administering medications to students if any of the criteria outlined above is not met.