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Playground and Outdoor Learning

Playground supervision begins at 8:35am, but not before. Families are expected to make arrangements for your children’s supervision prior to this time. At the close of school – after dismissal- children are expected to leave the school grounds promptly. The school does not provide playground supervision after the 3:30 p.m. dismissal time. Students that play on the equipment after hours are at their own risk and must not interfere with the Recreation Program or other school-related functions.

Students will be outdoors daily, except in cases of seriously inclement weather or unsafe surfaces (such as with extreme windchill and icy conditions). Teachers and staff use tents, tables, benches, logs and the landscape to enhance the learning opportunities for our students. Please assure your child comes to school with appropriate clothing for the predicted weather. Please let us know if you need help with finding the right supplies and outdoor gear.