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Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports

Rowe is a Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports school. PBIS is a research-based program that addresses students’ social, emotional, and behavioral needs through teaching, modeling, positively acknowledging students for following expectations, and providing interventions for students who need greater levels of support. The Rowe staff, under the leadership of our Culture & Climate Coordinator, reinforces and recognizes students who exhibit Schoolwide Expectations. These expectations as follows:

  • We are safe
  • We are respectful
  • We are responsible

Mile tiles (small paper squares with the Rowe logo) are given along with specific positive feedback to students who are meeting behavioral expectations. Mile tiles are collected centrally and placed on themed boards throughout the school year. Each time a board is filled, a school wide celebration follows! PBIS is a big part of life at Rowe, and we communicate regularly about it.